体育健康教育 Physical & Health Education
- 了解并享受各种体育活动
- 通过定期参加体育活动来锻炼体能和保持身体健康
- 通过对身体的了解和控制,表现得更积极与自信
- 展示出奥林匹克精神——尊重,友谊和卓越
- 提高在进行体育活动时的安全意识
Our Vision
We want to equip our students with 21CC knowledge, skills and attitudes to pursue and enjoy a physically active and healthy lifestyle.
Our Mission
To enable our students to:
- perform and enjoy a variety of physical activities with understanding
- develop and maintain physical health and fitness through regular participation in physical activities
- demonstrate positive self-esteem through body awareness and control
- demonstrate the three core values of Olympism - Respect, Friendship & Excellence
- acquire safe practices during physical activities