古筝团 Guzheng Ensemble
南小古筝团现有校队成员 23 名,初级学员 21 名,指导老师是何艳女士和王鸿影先生。南小古筝团在今年的新加坡青年节艺术展演汇中获得了优异奖。不论是校队成员还是初级学员,对于古筝学习都抱着热爱,除了学习指法,更是在古筝弹奏中学会了感悟,学会了扶助,不但提高了音乐修养,更加深了对华族文化的理解。
The Guzheng Ensemble has developed the children’s interest and appreciation of Chinese culture in Nanyang. Children are taught various techniques of playing by instructors who are well-versed in the instrument. As they learn how to master fingering skills, intonation, rhythm and the tone of the instrument, the members also learn about musicianship in which they are encouraged to interpret and creatively express music in their own style.
Students who show perseverance in learning and perfecting their skills are given the opportunity to perform during school events and the biennial Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Arts Presentation.