合唱团 Choir
南小合唱团成立于 1989 年,现有团员约 50 名,现任指挥潘惠琪女士,钢琴伴奏蓝佐珥先生。南小合唱团曾经参与过许多本地及国际的大型比赛与演出,例如“歌韵东方”合唱节(台湾 2012)、Young 2013 Prague Music Festival(捷克 2013、2016)、第七届冬季合唱音乐节(香港 2016)。2015 年,南小合唱团在滨海艺术中心参演了“Crazy Christmas: A GROUNDnutcracker”;2017 年,在滨海湾金沙参与了南洋100周年校庆的演出;今年,南小合唱团在新加坡青年节艺术展演汇中获得了优异奖。此外,南小合唱团每年都会参加由 CHIJMES 举办的“Voices of Singapore Festival”。
The Nanyang Primary School Choir was set up in 1989. Since then, the Choir has participated in numerous performances and competitions with stellar results and is always warmly received.
Together with our dedicated teachers and experienced conductor, the CCA provides training in vocal techniques and voice production for any child who has an interest in singing. Not only that, choir members enjoy contributing to a part of something bigger and forging strong bonds with their fellow schoolmates through a myriad of concerts and exciting performances.