华乐团 Chinese Orchestra
自1992 年创办至今,南洋小学华乐团蕴育了一代又一代对音乐和华族文化有兴趣的孩子,让他们通过学习华乐,传承和弘扬华族传统艺术。除了在两年一度的新加坡青年节艺术展演汇中屡创佳绩,南洋小学华乐团也积极参与校内及校外的演出,让团员们有机会施展音乐才华,发挥团队精神。我们曾数次举办海外音乐交流,让团员们有机会跟志趣相投的外国朋友通过音乐彼此学习。在过去的二十多年里,南洋小学华乐团从一个约有 40 名成员的小乐团,发展为一个颇有规模的乐团。吹、拉、弹、打,四个声部的成员共有 130 人之多。毕业后,许多华乐团校友也回到南洋小学华乐团这个大家庭,不遗余力地为每年的华乐营作出贡献,与学弟学妹们共创美好的回忆。
The NYPS Chinese Orchestra welcomes students as young as 7 years old, who have an interest in learning and appreciating Chinese music and culture. With a team of dedicated teachers and professional instructors, children with little or no music background are taught basic musical skills and techniques to be able to play as part of a 100 strong orchestra.
Besides learning how to play an instrument, members imbibe values such as discipline and team spirit as they learn to create a piece of music together. Our frequent school performances and annual camp provide members with opportunities to demonstrate resilience and leadership qualities as they pursue their interest in music.